Old Wedding Traditions that Continue to Live On!

tulsa wedding venues toss

At many Tulsa wedding venues, traditions come and traditions go. There are many new fads that last for a while and then fade out. At Tulsa wedding venues, it’s fun to see the new stuff and new trends even if they don’t last very long. Along with the new trends are some old traditions that continue to live on. It’s these tried and true traditions that make many weddings at Tulsa wedding venues so classic.

tulsa wedding venues cake

The Wedding Cake

The wedding cake is a grand old tradition and with it comes many other traditions. There is the cutting of the cake which symbolizes the first act as man and wife. Then there is feeding each other the cake which symbolizes taking care of each other and showing their love for one another. Then there is the saving of the top layer of the cake. This tradition is in place to be a reminder of their special day. Though the wedding cake hardly survives a year to be tasty when eaten, it is still a fun thing for the couple to do on their first anniversary. Check out thespruce.com for more information on the wedding cake and the traditions it holds.

The Bouquet and Garter Toss

These traditions date far back and come from England. Both were supposed to bring good luck and fortune to the fortunate person who caught the bridal bouquet or the garter. They were also supposed to be next in line to marry since only the single people are supposed to line up for this event. Originally back in 14th century England, they would actually tear the brides wedding dress to throw to the crowd. This became unpopular so they started throwing bouquets and shooting garters instead. It’s a good thing too. I can imagine there were some pretty rowdy crowds back in those days and that could have been a terrifying experience for the bride! This article from weddingwire.com goes into a little more detail about the process and gives some additional insights.

Toasting the Bride and Groom

Toasting is an old custom and a way of honoring guests. To toast the bride and the groom is a way to honor them and wish them wealth and prosperity. Anyone can make the toast but it has evolved into usually the best man and the maid of honor toasting along with the father of the bride. Usually, everyone waits to drink together after the toast is done. The bride and groom often intertwine their hands when they toast each other as a symbol of them becoming one. The blog at woodrowhall.com has more insights into this old and lasting tradition.

Many of these traditions have stood the test of time and are still immensely popular today. It is good to see traditions continue and play important parts in the wedding celebration. The older couples can relate and remember their special day and the same traditions they participated in. It is a way to bring the generations together to celebrate the happy couple.


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